Having actually just read the Pathfinder RPG rules for the first time recently I'm happy to present my latest in Character Sheets:
Remind you the rules and sheet are still in alpha/beta stages, so please be kind and report any errors or suggestions. This will ensure we stay on top of the project as best as possible. :)
Please let me know what you think!
No complaints, huh? Sounds good. :)
Overall it is very good and I will be using it. Just a few comments and suggestions for further improvement:
I like the spaces for item body slots (a couple of blank lines for extra slots would be nice). And the portrait box is nice. (I would prefer a generic paperdoll to indicate body slots, but that's no big deal)
The spells sheet is not all that useful after the first few levels. Most of my charaters have so many spells by level 10 that I'm tracking them on a separate sheet. (I use Ema's dynamic sheets http://www.emass-web.com/index.php).
The mini sheet for Familiar and bonded item is a good idea (you should probably include "& animal companion & mount" to the title to be totally accurate.)
Equipment and magic items separated is good.
Bags and containers volume info is nice, but I don't think its essential (it can go if space is needed elsewhere). Maybe something showing what items are in what containers would be better. (ie Was the magic missile wand in my backpack or belt pouch?)
The skills could use a few blank lines for extra knowledge, craft, and perform skills. Also, a few extra misc columns would be helpful for all those bonuses characters tend to accumulate. Maybe have one for "racial" and one for "feats" and one for "misc". Or at least make the misc bigger to accommodate more bonuses (i.e. 2+3+4, etc) I would also like perception broken down into smell, hear, see, taste, feel, but that's no biggie.
A notes field for weapons would be handy for those special modifiers some weapons have against certain foes or situations. An ammo box for ranged attacks that use them would be good.
Breaking AC with different calculation boxes is good.
My personal preference is for character sheets to have more colour or pizazz graphics. (See Ema's). This is just a personal aesthetic though.