CACI No. 457. Statute of Limitations - Equitable Tolling - Other Prior Proceeding

Judicial Council of California Civil Jury Instructions (2024 edition)


457 . Statute of Limitations - Equitable T olling - Other Prior


[ Name of plaintiff ] claims that even if [his/her/ nonbinary pr onoun /its]

lawsuit was not filed by [ insert date fr om applicable statute of limitations ],

[he/she/ nonbinary pr onoun /it] may still proceed because the deadline for

filing the lawsuit was extended by the time during which [ specify prior

pr oceeding that qualifies as the tolling event, e.g., she was seeking workers’

compensation benefits ]. In order to establish the right to pr oceed, [ name of

plaintiff ] must prove all of the following:

1. That [ name of defendant ] received timely notice that [ name of

plaintiff ] was [ e.g., seeking workers’ compensation ] instead of filing

2. That the facts of the two claims were so similar that an

investigation of the [ e.g., workers’ compensation claim ] gave or

would have given [ name of defendant ] the information needed to

defend the lawsuit; and

3. That [ name of plaintiff ] was acting reasonably and in good faith

by [ e.g., seeking workers’ compensation ].

For [ name of defendant ] to have received timely notice, [ name of plaintiff ]

must have filed the [ e.g., workers’ compensation claim ] by [ insert date fr om

applicable statute of limitations ] and the [ e.g., claim ] notified [ name of

defendant ] of the need to begin investigating the facts that form the basis

for the lawsuit.

In considering whether [ name of plaintiff ] acted reasonably and in good

faith, you may consider the amount of time after the [ e.g., workers’

compensation claim ] was [resolved/abandoned] befor e [he/she/ nonbinary

pr onoun /it] filed the lawsuit.

New December 2009; Revised December 2014

Directions for Use

Equitable tolling, including any disputed issue of fact, is to be decided by the court,

even if there are disputed issues of fact. ( Hopkins v . Kedzierski (2014) 225

Cal.App.4th 736, 745 [170 Cal.Rptr .3d 551].) This instruction is for use if the court

submits the issue to the jury for advisory findings.

Equitable tolling is not available for legal malpractice (see Lair d v . Blacker (1992) 2

Cal.4th 606, 618 [7 Cal.Rptr .2d 550, 828 P .2d 691] [statutory tolling provisions of

Code Civ Proc., § 340.6 are exclusive for both one-year and four-year limitation

periods]; see also CACI No. 610, Affırmative Defense - Statute of

Limitations - Attorney Malpractice - One-Y ear Limit , and CACI No. 61 1, Affırmative


Defense - Statute of Limitations - Attorney Malpractice - Four-Y ear Limit ) nor for

medical malpractice with regard to the three-year limitation period of Code of Civil

Procedure section 340.5. (See Belton v . Bowers Ambulance Serv . (1999) 20 Cal.4th

928, 934 [86 Cal.Rptr .2d 107, 978 P .2d 591] [statutory tolling provisions of Code

Civ . Proc., § 340.5 are exclusive only for three-year period; one-year period may be

tolled on other grounds]; see also CACI No. 555, Affırmative Defense - Statute of

Limitations - Medical Malpractice - One-Y ear Limit , and CACI No. 556, Affırmative

Defense - Statute of Limitations - Medical Malpractice - Thr ee-Y ear Limit .)

Sources and Authority

• T olling for Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Investigation.

Government Code section 12965(e)(1), (f)(1).

• “The equitable tolling of statutes of limitations is a judicially created,

nonstatutory doctrine. It is ‘designed to prevent unjust and technical forfeitures

of the right to a trial on the merits when the purpose of the statute of

limitations - timely notice to the defendant of the plaintif f’ s claims - has been

satisfied.’ Where applicable, the doctrine will ‘suspend or extend a statute of

limitations as necessary to ensure fundamental practicality and fairness.’ ”

( McDonald v . Antelope V alley Community College Dist. (2008) 45 Cal.4th 88, 99

[84 Cal.Rptr .3d 734, 194 P .3d 1026], internal citations omitted.)

• “The purpose of equitable tolling is to ‘ease[] the pressure on parties

“concurrently to seek redress in two separate forums with the attendant danger

of conflicting decisions on the same issue.” ’ It is intended to benefit the court

system ‘by reducing the costs associated with a duplicative filing requirement, in

many instances rendering later court proceedings either easier and cheaper to

resolve or wholly unnecessary .’ ” ( Long v . Forty Niners Football Co . (2019) 33

Cal.App.5th 550, 555 [244 Cal.Rptr .3d 887], internal citation omitted.)

• “While the case law is not entirely clear , it appears that the weight of authority

supports our conclusion that whether a plaintif f has demonstrated the elements of

equitable tolling presents a question of fact.” ( Hopkins, supra , 225 Cal.App.4th

• “[E]quitable tolling, ‘[a]s the name suggests . . . is an equitable issue for court

resolution.’ ” ( Hopkins, supra , 225 Cal.App.4th at p. 745.)

• “While the judge determines equitable causes of action, the judge may (in rare

instances) empanel an advisory jury to make preliminary factual findings. The

factual findings are purely advisory because, on equitable causes of action, the

judge is the proper fact finder . ‘[W]hile a jury may be used for advisory verdicts

as to questions of fact [in equitable actions], it is the duty of the trial court to

make its own independent findings and to adopt or reject the findings of the jury

as it deems proper .’ ” ( Hoopes v . Dolan (2008) 168 Cal.App.4th 146, 156 [85

Cal.Rptr .3d 337], internal citations omitted.)

• “[CACI No. 457 is] appropriate for use when a trial court ‘empanel[s] an

advisory jury to make preliminary factual findings,’ with respect to equitable



. . . tolling.” ( Hopkins, supra , 225 Cal.App.4th at p. 745.)

• “The equitable tolling doctrine rests on the concept that a plaintif f should not be

barred by a statute of limitations unless the defendant would be unfairly

prejudiced if the plaintif f were allowed to proceed. ‘[T]he primary purpose of the

statute of limitations is normally satisfied when the defendant receives timely

notification of the first of two proceedings.’ ” ( Aguilera v . Heiman (2009) 174

Cal.App.4th 590, 598 [95 Cal.Rptr .3d 18], internal citations omitted.)

• “Broadly speaking, the doctrine applies ‘ “[w]hen an injured person has several

legal remedies and, reasonably and in good faith, pursues one.” ’ [Citation.]

Thus, it may apply where one action stands to lessen the harm that is the subject

of a potential second action; where administrative remedies must be exhausted

before a second action can proceed; or where a first action, embarked upon in

good faith, is found to be defective for some reason.” ( W assmann v . South

Orange County Community College Dist. (2018) 24 Cal.App.5th 825, 853 [234

Cal.Rptr .3d 712].)

• “[T]he ef fect of equitable tolling is that the limitations period stops running

during the tolling event, and begins to run again only when the tolling event has

concluded. As a consequence, the tolled interval, no matter when it took place, is

tacked onto the end of the limitations period, thus extending the deadline for suit

by the entire length of time during which the tolling event previously occurred.”

( Lantzy v . Centex Homes (2003) 31 Cal.4th 363, 370-371 [2 Cal.Rptr .3d 655, 73

• “A major reason for applying the doctrine is to avoid ‘the hardship of

compelling plaintif fs to pursue several duplicative actions simultaneously on the

same set of facts.’ ‘[D]isposition of a case filed in one forum may render

proceedings in the second unnecessary or easier and less expensive to resolve.’ ”

( Guevara v . V entura County Community College Dist. (2008) 169 Cal.App.4th

167, 174 [87 Cal.Rptr .3d 50], internal citations omitted.)

• “[A]pplication of the doctrine of equitable tolling requires timely notice, and

lack of prejudice, to the defendant, and reasonable and good faith conduct on the

part of the plaintif f. These elements seemingly are present here. As noted, the

federal court, without prejudice, declined to assert jurisdiction over a timely filed

state law cause of action and plaintif fs thereafter promptly asserted that cause in

the proper state court. Unquestionably , the same set of facts may be the basis for

claims under both federal and state law . W e discern no reason of policy which

would require plaintif fs to file simultaneously two separate actions based upon

the same facts in both state and federal courts since ‘duplicative proceedings are

surely inef f icient, awkward and laborious.’ ” ( Addison v . State (1978) 21 Cal.3d

313, 319 [146 Cal.Rptr . 224, 578 P .2d 941], internal citations omitted.)

• “ ‘ “The timely notice requirement essentially means that the first claim must

have been filed within the statutory period. Furthermore[,] the filing of the first

claim must alert the defendant in the second claim of the need to begin

investigating the facts which form the basis for the second claim. Generally this



means that the defendant in the first claim is the same one being sued in the

second.” “The second prerequisite essentially translates to a requirement that the

facts of the two claims be identical or at least so similar that the defendant’ s

investigation of the first claim will put him in a position to fairly defend the

second.” “The third prerequisite of good faith and reasonable conduct on the part

of the plaintif f is less clearly defined in the cases. But in Addison v . State of

California, supra , 21 Cal.3d 313[,] the Supreme Court did stress that the plaintif f

filed his second claim a short time after tolling ended.” ’ ” ( McDonald, supra , 45

Cal.4th at p. 102, fn. 2, internal citations omitted.)

• “The third requirement of good faith and reasonable conduct may turn on

whether ‘a plaintif f delayed filing the second claim until the statute on that claim

had nearly run . . .’ or ‘whether the plaintif f [took] af f irmative actions which

. . . misle[d] the defendant into believing the plaintif f was foregoing his second

claim.’ ” ( T arkington v . California Unemployment Ins. Appeals Bd. (2009) 172

Cal.App.4th 1494, 1505 [92 Cal.Rptr .3d 131].)

• “Where exhaustion of an administrative remedy is mandatory prior to filing suit,

equitable tolling is automatic: ‘It has long been settled in this and other

jurisdictions that whenever the exhaustion of administrative remedies is a

prerequisite to the initiation of a civil action, the running of the limitations

period is tolled during the time consumed by the administrative proceeding.’

This rule prevents administrative exhaustion requirements from rendering

illusory nonadministrative remedies contingent on exhaustion.” ( McDonald,

supra , 45 Cal.4th at p. 101, internal citation omitted.)

• “The trial court rejected equitable tolling on the apparent ground that tolling was

unavailable where, as here, the plaintif f was advised the alternate administrative

procedure he or she was pursuing was voluntary and need not be exhausted. In

reversing summary judgment, the Court of Appeal implicitly concluded equitable

tolling is in fact available in such circumstances and explicitly concluded

equitable tolling is not foreclosed as a matter of law under the FEHA. The Court

of Appeal was correct on each count.” ( McDonald, supra , 45 Cal.4th at p. 1 14.)

• “Equitable tolling and equitable estoppel [see CACI No. 456] are distinct

doctrines. ‘ “T olling, strictly speaking, is concerned with the point at which the

limitations period begins to run and with the circumstances in which the running

of the limitations period may be suspended. . . . Equitable estoppel,

however , . . . comes into play only after the limitations period has run and

addresses . . . the circumstances in which a party will be estopped from

asserting the statute of limitations as a defense to an admittedly untimely action

because his conduct has induced another into forbearing suit within the

applicable limitations period. [Equitable estoppel] is wholly independent of the

limitations period itself and takes its life . . . from the equitable principle that

no man [may] profit from his own wrongdoing in a court of justice.” ’ ” ( Lantzy ,

supra , 31 Cal.4th at pp. 383-384.)

• “[V]oluntary abandonment [of the first proceeding] does not categorically bar

application of equitable tolling, but it may be relevant to whether a plaintif f can



satisfy the three criteria for equitable tolling.” ( McDonald, supra , 45 Cal.4th at

• “The equitable tolling doctrine generally requires a showing that the plaintif f is

seeking an alternate remedy in an established procedural context. Informal

negotiations or discussions between an employer and employee do not toll a

statute of limitations under the equitable tolling doctrine.” ( Acuna v . San Diego

Gas & Electric Co. (2013) 217 Cal.App.4th 1402, 1416 [159 Cal.Rptr .3d 749],

internal citation omitted.)

• “T olling the FEHA limitation period while the employee awaits the outcome of

an EEOC investigation furthers several policy objectives: (1) the defendant

receives timely notice of the claim; (2) the plaintif f is relieved of the obligation

of pursuing simultaneous actions on the same set of facts; and (3) the costs of

duplicate proceedings often are avoided or reduced.” ( Mitchell v . State Dept. of

Public Health (2016) 1 Cal.App.5th 1000, 1008 [205 Cal.Rptr .3d 261].)

• “ ‘[P]utative class members would be ill advised to rely on the mere filing of a

class action complaint to toll their individual statute of limitations.’ A trial court

may , nonetheless, apply tolling to save untimely claims. But in doing so, the

court must address ‘two major policy considerations.’ The first is ‘protection of

the class action device,’ which requires the court to determine whether the denial

of class certification was ‘unforeseeable by class members,’ or whether potential

members, in anticipation of a negative ruling, had already filed ‘ “protective

motions to intervene or to join in the event that a class was later found

unsuitable,” depriving class actions “of the ef ficiency and economy of litigation

which is a principal purpose of the procedure.” ’ The second consideration is

‘ef fectuation of the purposes of the statute of limitations,’ and requires the court

to determine whether commencement of the class suit ‘ “notifie[d] the defendants

not only of the substantive claims being brought against them, but also of the

number and generic identities of the potential plaintif fs who may participate in

the judgment.” [Citation.] In these circumstances, . . . the purposes of the statute

of limitations would not be violated by a decision to toll.’ ” ( Batze v . Safeway ,

Inc. (2017) 10 Cal.App.5th 440, 482-483 [216 Cal.Rptr .3d 390], internal

citations omitted.)

• “Section 340.6, subdivision (a), states that ‘in no event’ shall the prescriptive

period be tolled except under those circumstances specified in the statute. Thus,

the Legislature expressly intended to disallow tolling under any circumstances

not enumerated in the statute.” ( Lair d, supra , 2 Cal.4th at p. 618 [applying rule

to one-year limitation period].)

• “W e see no reason to apply the second sentence of section 340.5 to the one-year

period it does not mention, in addition to the three-year period it does mention.

The general purpose of MICRA does not require us to expand that sentence

beyond its language.” ( Belton, supra , 20 Cal.4th at p. 934 [rejecting application

of rule to one-year limitation period].)

• “[E]quitable tolling has never been applied to allow a plaintif f to extend the time



for pursuing an administrative remedy by filing a lawsuit. Despite broad

language used by courts in employing the doctrine, equitable tolling has been

applied almost exclusively to extend statutory deadlines for judicial actions,

rather than deadlines for commencing administrative proceedings.” ( Bjorndal v .

Superior Court (2012) 21 1 Cal.App.4th 1 100, 1 109 [150 Cal.Rptr .3d 405].)

• “Plaintif fs cite no authority , and we are aware of none, that would allow a

plaintif f in one case to equitably toll the limitation period based on the filing of

a stranger ’ s lawsuit.” ( Reid v . City of San Diego (2018) 23 Cal.App.5th 901, 916

[234 Cal.Rptr .3d 636].)

• “Equitable tolling applies to claims under FEHA during the period in which the

plaintif f exhausts administrative remedies or when the plaintif f voluntarily

pursues an administrative remedy or nonmandatory grievance procedure, even if

exhaustion of that remedy is not mandatory .” ( W assmann, supra, 24 Cal.App.5th

at pp. 853-854.)

Secondary Sources

4 W itkin, California Procedure (5th ed. 2008) Actions, § 760 et seq.

T urner et al., California Practice Guide: Civil Procedure Before T rial - Statutes of

Limitations, Ch. 1-A, Definitions And Distinctions ¶ 1:57.2 (The Rutter Group)

3 California T orts, Ch. 32, Liability of Attorneys , § 32.60[1][g.1] (Matthew Bender)

30 California Forms of Pleading and Practice, Ch. 345, Limitation of Actions ,

§ 345.21 (Matthew Bender)

14 California Points and Authorities, Ch. 143, Limitation of Actions , § 143.46

(Matthew Bender)

458-459. Reserved for Future Use


Page last reviewed May 2024

Vikram David Amar

UC Davis Law professor Vikram David Amar analyzes a recent Eighth Circuit ruling on Missouri’s Second Amendment Preservation Act (SAPA), which seeks to protect gun rights by limiting state cooperation with federal firearm laws.

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