To describe the process for initiating, receiving, resolving and maintaining records of complaints and other customer feedback relating to the quality of the Medical Device Single Audit Program (MDSAP) work products, processes and services at the Regulatory Authority(s), an Auditing Organization(s), or at a Medical Device Manufacturer. Complaints can provide valuable feedback on the effectiveness of an organization and can be used to improve the Medical Device Single Audit Program with the customer in mind.
This procedure applies to the MDSAP Team's work products, processes, services, and the MDSAP Quality Management System.
Complaint: Expression of dissatisfaction made to an organization related to its product or service or the complaints-handling process itself, where a response or resolution is explicitly expected. (ISO 9000:2015)
Correction: Action to eliminate a detected nonconformity. (ISO 9000:2015)
Corrective Action: Action to eliminate the cause of a detected nonconformity and to prevent recurrence. (ISO 9000:2015).
Escalation: The process by which MDSAP can escalate a complaint or other feedback to the Regulatory Authority Council (RAC) for final determination when necessary.
Feedback: Customer satisfaction and opinion, comments and expression of interest in a product, a service, or a complaint-handling process (ISO 9000:2015)
Whistleblower: A person or entity making a protected disclosure about improper or illegal activities is commonly referred to as a whistleblower. Whistleblowers may be a Regulatory Authority employee, contractors, customers, general public or an employee of an Auditing Organization or medical device manufacturer. The whistleblower's role is as a reporting party. They are not, investigators or finders of fact, nor do they determine the appropriate corrective or remedial action that may be warranted.
MDSAP Regulatory Authority Council (RAC) is responsible for:
Corrective Actions Administrator is responsible for:
NOTE: The Corrective Actions Administrator may be the MDSAP QMS Management Representative, a MDSAP QMS Site Representative, or other designee.
MDSAP Team Members
Regulatory Authority Corrective Action (RA/CA) Contact is responsible for:
A complaint or customer feedback may be submitted in written format, electronically (preferred method), by telephone, or in person through the Regulatory Authorities channels of communication listed below:
The MDSAP team member that received the complaint or feedback shall document it on the CRR Log.
If the complainant requests that their personal data is to be kept confidential, the MDSAP team member that received the complaint is responsible for the confidentiality and the complainant data shall not be filled into the CRR Log. In such case the form should be marked as "confidential" in the correspondent field. Any communication with the complainant, if necessary, must be done through the MDSAP team member that has the complainant data.
A complainant is considered anonymous when the personal information of the complainant is not supplied. In such case the form should be marked as "anonymous" in the correspondent field.
The CRR Log must include, at a minimum:
If the MDSAP team member that received the complaint identifies that a known correction may be implemented, he/she should undertake the correction, fill the CRR Log with the information collected from the complainant and the corrections made and notify the Corrective Action Administrator.
If a correction is not known, or the cause and corrective action cannot be determined by the person receiving the complaint, submission of the complaint is still made by entering as much as possible information on the CRR Log and forward to the Corrective Action Administrator.
Corrective Action Administrator will assign the complaint to the appropriate Regulatory Authority Corrective Action (RA/CA) Contact.
The Regulatory Authority Corrective Action (RA/CA) Contact will evaluate if there is sufficient evidence to justify an investigation. If necessary, the Regulatory Authority Corrective Action (RA/CA) Contact can request additional information to the complainant.
If the evidence is not sufficient to perform an investigation and to start a corrective action, the Regulatory Authority Corrective Action (RA/CA) Contact should justify it in the CRR Log and close the Complaint, forwarding it to Corrective Action Administrator that is responsible for final revision and disposition.
If the Regulatory Authority Corrective Action (RA/CA) Contact decides that an investigation is justified, he/she will designate a Corrective Action Assignee.
The Corrective Action Assignee will assess (risk analysis according to MDSAP QMS P0004 Risk Management Procedure) the complaint to determine any adverse impact / hazard associated on the quality of MDSAP products, processes, and / or services. If it is determined that the complaint has an adverse impact, the information should be added on the CRR Log and Corrective Actions should be opened in accordance with MDSAP QMS P0009 Nonconformity and Corrective Action Procedure and recorded on the CRR Log.
If the complaint is related to the Medical Device Manufacturer, the respective Auditing Organization should be informed to help to perform the investigation. In this case, and depending on the type of complaint, the investigation could be conducted by requesting documents or records directly from the manufacturer, during a routine or special audit, or by an investigation by the RA's.
If the complaint is related to an Auditing Organization, it should be forwarded to the Assessment Program Manager to evaluate if a special assessment is needed or if the complaint can be investigated requesting additional documents to the Auditing Organization or the investigation can be done during a surveillance/re-recognition assessment.
When a complaint comes from a whistleblower reporting illegal activities all MDSAP Regulatory Authorities should be notified to take the appropriate regulatory actions.
The Corrective Actions Administrator will monitor the progress of the complaint or customer feedback.
Customer feedback other than complaints may be considered "continuous improvement" suggestions.
Version Approval: 006
Approved: Signature on File, CHAIR, MDSAP RAC
Date: 2024-01-18
Uncontrolled when printed.
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