Hosea: Unfailing Love Changes Everything [DVD Bible Study]

H ey! You’re here! I’m so grateful you dropped by to learn more about the Hosea Bible Study.

Hosea Bible Study Kit

I wrote it for you… even if we’ve never met, you were on my mind and in my prayers as I wrote each word and filmed the seven video messages.

Hosea is such a beautiful love story.

It’s the love story of Hosea and his wandering wife Gomer. It’s the story of God’s love for His wayward people Israel. Ultimately, though, it is the story of God’s unfailing love for you and me. Like Israel and Gomer, we are prone to wander from His love. God loves us too much to let us go though. He goes to extraordinary lengths to bring us back to Him. I can’t wait for you to experience that kind of love!

On this page you’ll find out more about the Hosea Bible Study, extra resources to deepen your experience with the truths in Hosea, some fun free stuff, printables, tweetables, pinnables and, of course, a place to buy the Bible Study!

From one sister to another, I pray God guides you as you explore this page so you’ll get the most out of your visit. Most of all, I pray you get a glimpse of God’s love for you — because His unfailing love really does change everything!

Would you like a link to the entire first session of the video and the Listening Guide? I’d love to send it to you! Just submit your name and email below.

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Hosea Bible Study

Hosea Bible Study Leader Kit and Member Books

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Hosea Love Gifts

Includes: Butter Mints Recipe, iTruth Cards, Press-On Scripture Cards, Idol Busting Prayer Guide

A Message to Leaders

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