Construction Inspections

After your building permit is issued, we inspect your work to make sure it is done according to the approved plans and the applicable building codes. As a permit holder, it is your responsibility to call and request each inspection.

When to Schedule

Unless your building project requires special inspections, the following inspections may be required, most of which can be performed more than once:

Other related work, such as mechanical, refrigeration, electrical, plumbing, side sewer, and water services, requires separate permits and separate inspections. After the final inspection, we will grant approval to occupy. In the case of projects other than single-family homes and duplexes, we may require and issue a Certificate of Occupancy after final approval.

We may also require other preconstruction meetings. These include, but are not limited to:

How to Schedule

Our inspectors can be reached between 7:30 - 8:30 a.m. By contacting your inspector, you can work out the arrival details of your inspection. We can not guarantee specific arrival times.

Pre-Construction Meetings: Contact our structural building inspector at (206) 684-8950 or our automated inspection request line at (206) 684-8900. You must schedule these meetings several days to a week in advance. You must have your approved plans with cover sheet at these meetings. All the responsible parties involved with the project (including the architect or engineer of record, structural and/or geotechnical special inspector, and earthwork subcontractor, whichever apply) must attend the meeting.